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  1. It isn't insensitive it is INSANE. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting something will change and if batteries are causing crashes why are they doing the same thing??????? SO take that as it implies - INSANE! That's not speculating that is FACT!
  2. You said FPVers so I can only assume all, so a lesson in generalisation there You are right, I don't want to understand why anyone would scaremonger us into some sort of state about terrorism regarding our hobby. You can simply throw a grenade through an open door you don't need a plane or whatever, they have been around for years grenades so there is nothing new that has not been around for decades! Oh but these days it's smaller....nonsense!! Oh but with 2.4 etc etc. For god's sake 35mhz is supposedly capable of further range than 2.4. Oh but planes these days can carry more like aerodynamics has completely changed in recent years which is why we have gone backwards and dropped the Concorde! I say buy a DSLR because the quality from a high-up plane would be useless so rather use google as people say a high-up FPV plane could go undetected! There is nothing mocking about this. It IS in my opinion scaremongering and you have to use a little more than scaremongering to convince me this is all a load of nonsense. And if you need the BMFA to tell you to report something suspicious then there is no hope!
  3. Posted by Davwik on 27/03/2014 15:48:26: Nearly 1st April........just a thought!! Birthday?
  4. Fair comment again David but I am not convinced. FPVers may all be posting supposedly clever and hilarious exploits on youtube that are dangerous and illegal and should obviously all be lined-up against a wall and dealt with as anyone in FPV is obviously doing illegal stuff and terrorism. I am not convinced this is anything more than scaremongering. We have visited all the scenarios in the discussion and none of them point to model planes being any more worthy of the attention of terrorists than say a Cherokee jeep or Ford Fiesta. Also tell me why you need the BMFA to tell you to report any suspicious activity? The world we live in seems to insist on manufacturing scenarios and scares such as this and telling us what we should do about it.
  5. Posted by Bob Cotsford on 27/03/2014 14:50:29: If you see some of the electric powered foamies used by the army they are simple fixed wing fpv jobs. It's no big secret, it's even on the TV in recruitment ads. Most reasonable models could carry a kg of payload without too much trouble so it is a viable terrorist weapon. However - if Abdhul wants to buy a model and learn to fly, he is unlikely to practice kamikaze missions at the club field or ask the local model shop if Semtex will affect the foam. Plenty of ARTFs on ebay! One option a model (fpv even) offers over GoogleEarth or a camera is real time monitoring of secure siites where you wouldn't get anywhere with your Kodak but an electric model at high altitude wouldn't be noticed. Edited By Bob Cotsford on 27/03/2014 14:53:55 Most FPV models won't carry 1kg over and above the gear they already carry assuming you need the range from a descent battery. Up at altitude, if you have tried FPV you will see why I argue Google earth gives similar results so fair comment about monitoring movement on secure sites, but if you can get away with it there is something wrong with that secure site.
  6. I was replying to John he brought up FPV Don't worry I am calm, you cannot fluster me , it looks like the scaremongers are scared and worried and want me to join their ranks. I think I am more irritated by scares like this as it is unnecessary to conjure-up possible scenarios involving model aircraft that can be implemented by many other types of vehicle. In fact you do not need a vehicle to gain intelligence at all or carry a weapon. It seems to me that our association assumes common sense is lacking if they have to tell people to report suspicious activity that could relate to terrorism. If you need to be told please do not reply!! If I thought there was a possibility that an average model aircraft could pose a serious threat, I would be looking to contact authorities not bmfa. If you have £193 750.00 to buy an Afghanistan little drone you'd probably be playing with it where you or I would not see. Like your own farm or private estate. Somehow I don't think you can buy an Afghanistan little drone for £193 750.00 Not convinced sorry, it's unnecessary scaremongering, and now to add a camera to a little helicopter with the hopes of paying off the mortgage
  7. 01160244.... Hello.... John is flying FPV on his own! He looks like he's having fun with all his funny blue batteries, they could be bombs. He's smiling! Must be he is plotting something!
  8. The UK Ministry of Defence awarded a $31m contract to Prox Dynamics through Marlborough Communications for the delivery of 160 units of Black Hornets for its armed forces. That works out at £193 750 each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What this does is highlight how toys can be expensive when you spending other people's money!!
  9. So if google earth doesn't give it to you buy a DSLR with a nice big zoom. You'll make less noise than a model aircraft If you buy one on e bay it will be cheaper too What a load of....a terrorist is going to go to the guys selling that system and say 'Can I have five please?'
  10. You are right. The time that they are most vulnerable is charging/discharging. Slow is better on charging, 1C is what is recommended as the norm. Think of them like loaded springs. I have never heard of anything going wrong with a good LiPo but better safe than sorry so storage is an issue to be thought of carefully. But this nonsense about all these issues with airliners in Insane!
  11. Of those 144 incidents many were NiCad and Gel type batteries not only Lithium batteries. I suggest the definition of insanity comes into play here: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
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