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alex nicol

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  1. Hi Robert Thanks for the detail. my starting point will be 19x8 and see how it goes cheers
  2. Thanks Gents, I'll give both a try Cheers
  3. Hi Steve, Thanks for the quick response. My thinking was given the type of model my thinking was increase diameter and sacrafice some pitch Cheers Alex
  4. Hi Steve, Thanks for the quick response. My thinking was given the type of model my thinking was increase diameter and sacrafice some pitch Cheers Alex
  5. I have a pilot kit bucker jungmann Span 82" and am considering powering it with a DLE 30. My question is what prop size would be best..... Current thinking is a 19 x 6
  6. I'm inclined to agree with you on the throws My suggestion would be to set your tx high rates mid way between the recommended throws and set the tx low rate to around 60% to begin with. Best of luck with whatever you go with Alex
  7. Did you use a flat or sectioned tail? for what it's worth I made a built up sectioned tail and have had no problems with tail flutter, despite behaving like a complete hooligan. (Irvine 53 powered)
  8. Oh how things change, when I was a kid (mid late 60's) a fairly common phrase used to run something down was 'that's a real cheapo effort it's made from plastic'............. Don't think it'd stand up to day
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