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Steven Curry

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Everything posted by Steven Curry

  1. I had a cataract removed a couple of years ago. Like you I was apprehensive, after all we only have 1 pair of eyes. In the grand scheme of things there are hundreds of these operations every day and relatively low risk. The clinic I went to (Newmedica), were very good and efficient. I was in and out in about 45 minutes, and no (medical) side effects. The main problem for me was that as I wear glasses the prescription for he eye was obviously wrong and you have to wait several weeks before you get new glasses but your eyes will adjust temporarily. If you don't wear glasses, you should be fine. Because the "fogginess" will have been cleared bright lights can be a nuisance for a few days until things settle down. BTW remember you will need a chauffer on the day, you may have an eye patch for the day & this invalidates your insurance. I'm not going to tell you whether to go ahead or not, just to discuss it with Specsavers & the clinic as there should be an appointment with a surgeon before the op to check what has to be done and a chance to talk everything through. All the best
  2. Attack on the Sorpe dam produced in conjunction with the late Johnny Johnson Attack on Sorpe Dam - See Teaser Trailer here
  3. To quote Mr Gumby, (Monty Python), "my brain hurts" 🤔😀
  4. Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (Official) On Saturday 9th July 2022 during one of our scheduled flypasts in Derbyshire, an illegally flown drone was found to be flying in close proximity of our Hurricane aircraft. Following court proceedings this afternoon, the drone pilot in question pleaded guilty to endangering the safety of historic aircraft. We would like to share this as a reminder to all drone users that there are strict rules and regulations surrounding the usage of drones, and severe consequences if pilots are found to break regulations. To find out more about the case, and further information on UK Civil Aviation Authority aviation safety rules, please click here: https://www.caa.co.uk/.../serious-drone-prosecution.../
  5. More sad news Last surviving Dambuster Johnny Johnson dies aged 101 - BBC News
  6. Memories. I started my RC journey in the late sixties with an OS15 powered Robot, single channel with an Elmic Compact escapement. Excellent stable model for learners
  7. not sure if this helps; https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B015HL7FGS/ref=sspa_dk_detail_5?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B015HL7FGS&pd_rd_w=EbzjU&content-id=amzn1.sym.8d91a06c-52c8-441e-afa4-963e53268566&pf_rd_p=8d91a06c-52c8-441e-afa4-963e53268566&pf_rd_r=3NW7E3NKWAT17R6RENZV&pd_rd_wg=dk40z&pd_rd_r=18f0eb8a-17e0-44a0-836f-ba2491e8d40c&s=industrial&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw
  8. Another talented guitarist, sadly no longer with us Glen Campbell - William Tell Overture (smokin' instrumental) - YouTube
  9. I use flight radar 24 (web version) there is an app but I've not used it. The map shows aircraft in the area and clicking on 1 calls up the kind of information you're looking for. The basic web version is free & it looks like the app may be too. http://flightradar24.com
  10. I still have my original Harry Brooks 4 channel system (built from his kit) with the grey servos. Doubt it will ever see action again ??
  11. Apologies for the live link, (Start Here>). I should have removed it. Appreciate the warning Andy. I'll be more careful in future
  12. This is a new one on me. Received an email this morning, purporting to be from DVLA. Apart from the suspect addresses, I taxed my vehicle online & have an email confirming it ? From: G.O.V. U.K. <[email protected]> Sent: 17 March 2021 09:27 To: steve.curry <com> Subject: The current tax status of your vehicle - Untaxed ID: 06710 Second notice for - Your vehicle status is showing in our system as untaxed. It appears that some of the billing details associated with you might have expired or were otherwise changed. Please note: If you don't pay your vehicle tax on time you can be fined up to £1000, or your details passed to a debt collection agency. You need: ~ the vehicle's registration number From Government Gateway --i5uuBU1-- All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated --i5uuBU1
  13. Dave Edmunds - Sabre Dance dave edmunds sabre dance - YouTube
  14. This company appear to supply bands up to 300mm if you really need long bands. They're not cheap though. Link
  15. I have the same problem. This is the response from Pocket Mags to my query; Thank you for your email! Apologies for this, it seems the publisher of this magazine has made an error with a setting while preparing the files for this title, with the result of missing content. I have requested an urgent fix from the publisher, so will update you as soon as I receive confirmation that this has been actioned Steve
  16. I'm not sure if this will have any uses for normal models but an interesting concept. Nice model too, but when you have the resources of Airbus available.... Hope I've got the link correct Link
  17. Can anybody spare a few brain cells for this character? Police said: "Officers attended the M48 Severn Bridge at 08:10 this morning after concerns were raised for a man who appeared to have climbed one of the towers and was flying a drone off it." **LINK**
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