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Strange Spectrum range test fault

Brian Dorricott 1

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Strange situation on Saturday at the field , we had a beginner with a DX8 gen 1 and AR410 receiver and firstly we bound the rx to the transmitter and it went as it should everything going the right way then we suggested a range check . As soon as range check was selected it stopped working and even leaving range test mode would not get it back unless it was rebound again . The AR410 was bound to a DX6 gen2 and would go into range check and back no problem . After going through starting a fresh model and binding again the same thing happened on the DX8 so to carry on we bound the DX6 gen2 to the model and used the DX8 as a wireless buddy which worked faultlessly . Anyone any ideas what is amiss never seen the bind fail on a range test before , next time I will take a spare RX see if it's down to the DX8 or not . Has anyone seen anything similar before ?

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I had the exact same problem with my DX8 gen 1 and a Lemon RX during the 30m low power range check.

Luckily my club is in the middle of nowhere surrounded by fields and lanes. A friend drove me at least 500m away from the model, me with Tx in hand while another friend stayed with the model.

Communicating by mobiles we performed a range check with Tx on full power and the model on the ground and all worked as it should. We repaeated this several times with the plane in different orientations on the ground with total success.

As I don't usually fly anywhere near 500m in any one direction with the type of model in question I tentatively flew the model and everything performed flawlessly and the model continues to be flown with no problem.


I read somewhere that the DX8 G1 had similar problems with non Spektrum Rx's on a few occasions but never with a genuine Spektrum Rx.


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