Hastings September Fly-in event


We sent RCM&E photographer Jon Sales down to the coast for a day last month. The fly-in was scheduled over a weekend although the Sunday had the better of the weather. The Hastings club own their own flying field situated on the marsh road between Bexhill and Eastbourne and an excellent site it is too.


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The event is just a relaxed get-together, there’s no commentary, no trade, just the opportunity to fly for fun, make some new friends, see some new models and eat a few burgers. The attendance on Sunday was one of the best seen to date with sports models mixing with scale and jets. Why not make a date in your diary for next year, you’ll get a warm welcome.

Ps. I’m waiting for Jon to pass me the specific model details so I’ll update the page just as soon as I have them.



This electrified Hangar 9 Spitfire flew well


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