The November 2008 issue preview


The November issue of RCM&E will be in the shops 22/10 and once again we’ve a bumper 140-page issue packed with features, reviews and all your regular favourites.

Reviews this month include –

  • JP Sopwith Camel (cover) – She’s pretty but does she fly like a Camel?
  • Multiplex Blizzard – We sample the new Elapor hotliner from the German company.
  • Jamara WFT-09 – Jamara enter the 2.4GHz market with this their new mid-range radio.
  • Tango 40 – The unusual Hanger 9 aerobat gets wrung out.
  • Apprentice – A trainer from E-flite that’s turning a few heads.
  • Super Tigre 45 – Can the Chinese makes ’em as well as the Italians? We look at the two-stroke engine.

    We’ve some great features this month –

  • Cosford 2008 – Our full report from an eventful show.
  • Need for Speed – Andy Ellison reports on the progress of his jet and finds that there’s no smoke without er…fire!
  • Pattern Pinnacle – Bob Wasson reports from this years F3A National aerobatic competiton at Barkson Heath.
  • How it Works – The Aerofoil Dave Roberts investigates the lifting device from two different angles of thought.
  • Engine Lab – Cylinder head volumes, con rods and carburation under the microscope.
  • Into the Blue – This month our beginners series looks at two-stroke engines and how to make sure they start safely and easily every time.

    Our free plan this month is Vee2 a lovely retro-style v-tail sports model from Bob Bentley – it’s just the ticket for a .15 two-stroke motor!

    Our regular columnists have been very busy this month –

  • Wizard of Oz – Brian Winch looks at a novel way of turning a glow engine into a diesel!
  • Totally Traditional – Peter Lowe immerses himself into ribs, spars and shear webs…
  • Fly Electric – Nigel Hawes flies his twin EDF Lear-Jet and looks at EDF servo-less retract systems.
  • Weekenders – Whittaker is back with his usual blend of sport-fly chatter and unveils his own er….unique way of beating the credit crunch!

    Be sure to pop along to your newsagent or model shop and pick up this issue of RCM&E for just £3.80 Better still, why not save yourself some money over the long run by subscribing ?

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