RCM&E 60th Anniversary Fly-in 2020


We had a great time last year, so we thought we'd do it all again and, this time, the event will mark the magazine's 60th anniversary too! We’ve decided to resurrect the relaxed, friendly format, again at the BMFA National Centre, Buckminster. 

We love the place, it’s bang on the money and for those who haven’t seen it, take our word for it, the facilities are top-notch. We love the immaculate flying site, the campsite, the new showers too, and we’ve even ordered good weather.

Do bring your new designs (as prospective plans for the magazine) as we'll have magazine photographers at the event along with any historic or interesting models you'd like to share. 


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Pop 12th – 13th September 2020 in your diary and we’ll see you there.

  • Camp Friday night from 5pm (please pre-book with the BMFA)
  • Relaxed off-the-peg flying all weekend (no slots or display teams)
  • Food van
  • Indoor flying in the evening
  • Flyers must have an A-certificate (min)
  • 2020 Mini Jet Mass Build meet and fly
  • Usual Buckminster daily flying fee (£8)
  • Informal trophies awarded for our favourite models
  • Chat with RCM&E contributors

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