The April 2009 issue of RCM&E will be with subscribers in a few days and in the shops from 13th March.
This month’s packed issue has all your regular favourites along with the following reviews –
Dingo – Julian Beckett flies RCM Pelikan’s perennial electric aerobat.
Elektro Junior S – Stepping out with Graupner’s elegant motor glider. Suitable for beginners we ask?
JR DSX-12 – Big and clever, the new range-topping radio from JR.
Skylink 40 – Lindsay Todd flies World Models’ delightful Cessna 182 clone.
BC8DX – Bantam’s blingy new dual-output charger.
Panther – Nigel Hawes lights the fires with Landers superb EDF jet.
Our regular columns have plenty to keep you interested….
FlyElectric’s Nigel Hawes has all the latest news for electric flyers and trials a pair of exciting new prop-jets.
Emotions run high in Weekenders as Alex Whittaker finally sorts his shed!
Andy Ellison has a full round-up of all the very latest glider models in On The Edge.
Engine wizard Brian Winch is back to answer a selection of readers queries in his appropriately named Wizard of Oz column.
We’ve feature articles galore too –
Nuremburg 2009 – We examine the trends and look at all the new models, radios, engines and equipment from the huge trade fair.
Model Magic – Alex Whittaker talks to Pete McDermott and highlights his world class DH9 (our cover model).
Design it yourself Pt.3 – Peter Miller brings everything together in concluding his excellent DIY design series.
AL’s Hobbies – Celebrating their 10th birthday, Andy Ellison pops by for tea and a turbine.
CSA Scale – We enjoy some soaring at the Clwyd Soaring Associations scale fly-in.
2.4 at 2.5 – An assessment of the 2.4GHz scene, two and a half years down the line.

Propellosaurus – Taking er…’plane-ontology’ to new levels, Cyril Carr is back with his latest design, this unique 39″ span electric powered flying dino’ Unorthodox perhaps but it flies very well indeed!
It’s an issue you won’t want to miss so be sure to pop along to your newsagent or model shop and pick up your copy of RCM&E for just £3.80.
Better still, why not save yourself some money over the long run and get your copy before anyone else by subscribing?