Ultra Duo Plus 45 charger




Graupner's new charger is a slight upgrade on the Ultra Duo Plus 40 introduced last year. The 45 brings a higher battery discharge rate but little else as far as we can see. Notwithstanding, this is a capable unit, tough and very well made with dual outputs and a large blue back-lit display that highlights a lot of information. It says '250-watt' on the box which rests with output 1 while output 2 is rated for a max of 50 watts. There are in fact, three balance ports on the unit which allows for two packs of identical capacity to be charged in series. Two temperature sensor sockets and a USB interface are also present and software along with a USB cable are included. The unit will perform all the usual charging and battery maintenence tasks while adding a few extra little clever touches. One such, it allows packs to be named (or numbered) so allowing users to chart individual cell performance with cell resistance levels/histories shown on the display. Sadly, balance boards are not included which is fine if your batteries have JSX-EHR balance plugs (as standard on Graupner Li-Pos) for which the sockets are compatible but of no use for other plug types and requiring the likely additional purchase of a balance board set (£9.99). Graupner never quote RRPs but we've seen the unit listed for £189.99 at a good retailer. There's more info at www.graupner.de


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