As you may be aware, this site and forum will be migrated to a new platform very soon. There are several reasons for this with mobile device compatibility improvements being just one.
The new forum will be based on Invision, a popular and flexible platform. Many of you may already visit forums based on this and be familiar with their general operation. Your moderators have been playing with the new beta site over the last few days and can report that although, inevitably, there are some differences in appearance and modus operandi, we think the improvements are obvious and will be appreciated. Photo uploads for instance are just a click and drag affair.
Importantly, all historic posts and photos will come across to the new site. But… there's a lot of stuff to migrate and means there will be a gap of 2-3 days during which time this forum will freeze and the new site will be populated, checked and tested.
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The provisional timeline is:
Thu/Fri 4/5th Feb – forum data moved across. This forum frozen.
Fri, Sat, Sun 5/6/7 Feb – new forum populated and tested.
Mon, Tue 8th and 9th – new site/forum open.
I'm sorry that the temporary freeze is necessary but I hope everyone will consider it worthwhile. I think they very much will when they start to use the new platform. If the dates shift I'll let you all know and I'll update you all here nearer the time too. The web address will remain the same.
Thanks for your patience and understanding and we'll see you on the new platform!